Dr. Tiziano Zgaga
Teaching - University of Konstanz
Students who attend(ed) my courses and who wish to ask for office hours need to e-mail me at tiziano.zgaga@uni-konstanz.de
If there is anything short in writing we need to discuss, please send it to me until midnight the day before the meeting, otherwise I will not able to read it. Please send longer files at least one week in advance.
If you cannot attend, please inform me in due advance to enable somebody else to take a slot.
Office hours take place on Zoom. Click here to access the Zoom virtual room for office hours.
Given courses
Policy Dynamics in the European Union (co-taught with Eva Thomann)
MA seminar, April - July 2024
Administrative Dysfunctions During Crises: Comparing Corruption Scandals in the European Union (co-taught with Eva Thomann)
MA seminar, April - July 2023
Course evaluation not available due to too low number of participants
What Happens With EU Money? Member States and the Corona Recovery Fund
MA seminar, October 2022 - February 2023
Understanding Policy Change in the European Union
MA seminar, April - July 2022
Representation Without Taxation? EU Fiscal Policy and What Member States Make of It
MA seminar, October 2021 - February 2022
Policymaking and Implementation in the European Union: the Case of Fiscal Policy
BA advanced seminar, April - July 2021
Course evaluation not available due to too low number of participants