Dr. Tiziano Zgaga
Zgaga, T. The New EU Economic Governance. Fiscal Regulation from Maastricht to the Reform of the Stability and Growth Pact. Under contract with Palgrave Macmillan, series "European Administrative Governance" (expected 2025).
Thomann, E., Weaver, K., & Zgaga, T. (forthcoming). Policy Dynamics in the European Union. Under contract with Cambridge University Press, "Cambridge Elements" series.
Peer-reviewed journals
Thomann, E., Ioannidis, G., Zgaga, T., & Schwarz, F. (forthcoming). Explaining Public Sector Corruption: The Hexagon Model. Governance.
Zgaga, T., Wozniakowski, T., & Thomann, E. (forthcoming) State and future of European Union fiscal integration. Special issue introduction. Journal of European Public Policy.
Zgaga, T., Thomann, E., & Goubier, M. (2024). European Union versus core state powers: the customisation of EU fiscal policy. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(9), 2850-2877. https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2023.2217234
Fabbrini, S., & Zgaga, T. (2024). Right-Wing Sovereignism in the European Union: Definition, Features and Implications. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(2), 341-359. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.13497
Zgaga, T. (2023). The Coexistence of Fiscal Sovereignties: the Post-Pandemic European Union in Comparative Perspective. Politics and Governance, 11(4). https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v11i4.7244
Wozniakowski, T., Zgaga, T., & Fabbrini, S. (2023). Comparative Fiscal Federalism and the Post‐Covid EU: Between Debt Rules and Borrowing Power. Politics and Governance, 11(4), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v11i4.7653
Zgaga, T. (2023). The fiscal sovereignty of the European Union after the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Journal of European Integration, 45(4), 703-709. https://doi.org/10.1080/07036337.2023.2210967
Fabbrini, S., & Zgaga, T. (2019). Italy and the European Union: the discontinuity of the Conte government. Contemporary Italian Politics, 11(3), 280-293. https://doi.org/10.1080/23248823.2019.1642657
Chapters in edited volumes
Zgaga, T., Ioannidis, G., & Thomann, E. (forthcoming). Mixed Methods. In S. Wolf & O. Meyer. (Eds.), Handbuch Korruptionsforschung. Springer.
Zgaga, T., & Zhelyazkova, A. (2024). Transposition of European Union legislation. In G. J. Brandsma (Ed.), Handbook on European Union Public Administration (pp. 266-278). Edward Elgar.
Thomann, E., & Zgaga, T. (2024). Practical implementation of European Union policies by member state administrations and street-level bureaucrats. In G. J. Brandsma (Ed.), Handbook on European Union Public Administration (pp. 279-294). Edward Elgar.
Zgaga, T. (2023). Ready for What? Germany, Italy, and the Future of EU Fiscal Integration. In T. Notermans, S. Piattoni, L. Verzichelli & C. Wagemann (Eds.), E la nave va…Italy and Germany in Turbulent Times. Villa Vigoni Editore Verlag. https://www.villavigoni.eu/publication/e-la-nave-va/
Zgaga, T., Thomann, E. (2023). Regulation in Public Policy. In: M. van Gerven, C. Allison Rothmayr, & K. Schubert (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Public Policy. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90434-0_65-1
Fabbrini, S., & Zgaga, T. (2019). L’Italia e l’Unione europea: la discontinuità del governo Conte. In: E. Bressanelli & D. Natali (Eds.), Politica in Italia. I fatti dell’anno e le interpretazioni. Istituto Carlo Cattaneo. il Mulino.
Zgaga, T. (2018). A European Minister of Economy and Finance: Assessing the Commission’s Proposal and Comparing Germany’s and Italy’s Positions. In: J. Hien and C. Joerges (Eds.), Responses of European Economic Cultures to Europe’s Crisis Politics: the Example of German-Italian Discrepancies. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. European University Institute. https://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/59884/HienJoerges_2018.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Academic reports and research papers
Zgaga, T. (2023). Coherent or incoherent? Italian sovereignist parties in front of supranational crisis management. EU3D Research Paper No. 33. https://ssrn.com/abstract=4541293
Zgaga, T. (2023). The Italian Chamber of Deputies and the future of Europe: policy-focused and incomprehensive party positions. In: M. Gora, E. Thevenin, & K. Zielinska (Eds.), What future for Europe? Political actors’ narratives on European integration and democracy in national parliaments (2015–2021). EU3D Report 10. eu3d-report-10-gora.pdf (uio.no)
Zgaga, T., Capati, A., & Hegedus, D. (2023). The European Council: Actor and Arena of Dominance? EU3D Report 11. The European Council: Actor and Arena of Dominance? - EU3D (uio.no)
Gòra, M., & Zgaga, T. (2023). Reform Proposals for the future European Union (2015-2022). EU3D Report 14. Reform Proposals for the future European Union (2015-2022) - EU3D (uio.no)
Fabbrini, S., & Zgaga, T. (2023). Models of EU Polity Integration and Their Implications for Differentiation, Dominance, and Democracy: a Congruence Test. In: K. Czerska-Shawn, & M. Warat (Eds.), Imagining the future of Europe. Social and political actors' proposals on European integration. EU3D Report 13. eu3d-report-13-czeskashaw-warat.pdf (uio.no)
Fabbrini, S., Capati, A., Hegedus, D., & Zgaga, T. (2023). A federal union for dealing with the Russian war. EU3D Policy Brief No. 3. https://www.eu3d.uio.no/publications/eu3d-policy-briefs/eu3d-policybrief-3-fabbrini-capati-hegedus-zgaga.pdf
Fabbrini, S., & Zgaga, T. (2022). Sovereignism and its Implication: The Differentiated Disintegration of the European Union. EU3D Research Paper No. 22. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4118801
Fossum, J. E., Garcia Quesada, M., & Zgaga, T. (2020) The EU’s non-members: Key principles, underlying logics and types of affiliation. EU3D Report No. 1. https://www.eu3d.uio.no/publications/eu3d-reports/eu3d-report-1-fossum.pdf
Blog posts
Zgaga, T. (2022). The German ’traffic light’ coalition: no commitment to stronger spending powers for the EU. Future of Europe Blog. https://futureofeurope.ideasoneurope.eu/2022/01/14/the-german-traffic-light-coalition-no-commitment-to-stronger-spending-powers-for-the-eu/