Dr. Tiziano Zgaga
Welcome to my website!
I am a political scientist who specializes in European Union fiscal policymaking and implementation. I work as a postdoctoral researcher of the Working Group on Public Administration in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz.
My research interests include EU integration and Europeanization, differentiated EU policy implementation, comparative fiscal federalism, EU democracy and sovereignism, and corruption. Methodologically, I mainly work with thematic analysis, comparative case studies, causal process tracing, and case-oriented and set-theoretic research methodology.
On this website, you can find updated information on my curriculum vitae, my publications and my teaching.
Book "The new EU Economic Governance. Fiscal Regulation from Maastricht to the Reform of the Stability and Growth Pact", under contract with Palgrave Macmillan, series "European Administrative Governance" (expected second half of 2025)

"I am interested in how & why states transfer competence over so-called “core state powers” – specifically, fiscal policy as arguably the quintessence of national sovereignty – to the European Union (EU), and how & why they implement EU fiscal policy domestically. In one sentence: what is the interplay between fiscal integration & fiscal Europeanization?"